
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Mens Glossybox Niven & Joshua Edition

My husbands Glossybox arrived today (I forgot to cancel his sub, oops!) it is a Niven & Joshua edition box and is themed upon a simple four tier routine - clean, prepare, shave and protect.

The mens box is quarterly as opposed to monthly like the ladies box. This is the second box he has had you can read about the first one here

Before he opened the box I told him that I had read some spoilers on what was in the box and was he sure he wanted to open it as I had phoned Glossybox about returning it (more about that after the review!) but he read a spoiler online and decided he wanted to keep it and try out the products.

This review is not pretty so be prepared!!

Same colour box as last month with a clear sticker over the top (not on straight, that really bugs me - I know, I know)

This was stuck on the inside of the lid (again not straight, attention to detail GB!)- pre-shave oil, sounds good.

The box felt really light and this is why - its half empty! I actually looked around in the straw at the bottom for the rest of the samples!

Baxter of California Oil Free Moisturiser.

A lightweight moisturiser that quickly absorbs leaving skin smooth with a shine-free matte finish.

He received two 5ml samples, on the index card the full size 120ml retails for £20.00 so the samples are worth £1.67.

I found it for £10.95 here at lavish choice making the sample worth 91p

Nickel Super Clean Face Scrubbing Gel.

Designed to eliminate a dull complexion, an irregular texture, shiny patches and smooth your skin.

This is a 15ml sample, full size 125ml retails for £16.00 making the sample worth £1.92

I found it for £13.60 at Feel Unique making it worth £1.63

Yu-Be Vitamin Enriched Cream.

Yu-Be is extremely effective at combating severe dry skin and soothing minor skin irritations.

Its also a teeny sample. 3ml.  Full size is 33g and retails at £12.00 making the sample worth £1.09.

I found the sample on sale at Bath and Unwind for £1.01

Zirh Shave Gel.

A clear non-foaming shave gel making it easy to maintain sideburns (yes it really does say this, yes I did nearly spit my cup of tea out with laughter!) and avoid irritated areas.

This is a 5ml sample, full size is 100ml and retails at £13.50 making the sample worth 68p

I found the full size for sale at £8.95 on Lavish Choice making it worth 45p

A second item from Zirh - Clean Fash Wash.

A legend amongst oily skin face cleansers for men with its unique and effective formula.

Again its a 5ml sample, full size is 250ml and retails for £15.50 making the sample worth 31p

Looking online I could only find it around the £15 price as stated on the index card.

Molton Brown Black Pepper Bodywash.

A black peppercorn scent with bergamot and oakmoss.

This is a decent size 30ml sample, full size is 300ml and retails at £18 making the sample worth £1.80.

Unless you want to buy it off ebay then everywhere else is around the £18 mark.

and lastly, Marvis Mint Toothpaste

A uniquely fresh peppermint (?? when did it become unique that toothpaste is peppermint flavoured!) flavoured toothpaste that gives a long lasting pleasurable taste sensation.

Honestly who writes these??!!

10ml sample, 75ml retails at £5.50, sample is worth 73p

Checking online this looks like its standard price.

So the box adds up to the grand total of £8.20 (or £6.84 if you use my prices).

The box however cost me £17.95!

I contacted Glossybox by writing on their FB page that I was unhappy with the box and asked if someone could please contact me to let me know how to return it for a full refund. After a few hours and no reply from Glossybox on my post, I posted on the Mens Glossybox page asking how I could go about getting a pre-paid returns label to send the box back.

I got a quick reply asking me to contact customer services by telephone who would be more than happy to refund me for the box.

I called Glossybox customer services on the number provided and yes they would be more than happy to refund me providing I pay in full for return postage.  I explained that I wasn't happy with this as me returning the box would be quite expensive (around £4) and that I was very unhappy with the value of the samples in the box to which she proceeded to inform me that we pay for the service and not the value of the samples.

I then commented on my post on the Mens Glossybox page saying that I was still unhappy and the situation remained unresolved.

Mens Glossybox deleted my post, which was a polite post requesting help. Then blocked me from commenting on their Mens page.

I find this disgraceful customer service.

That I have paid £17.95 for a box of samples that are not even worth half of the amount paid has really annoyed me. I don't appreciate being ripped off and I certainly do not appreciate being fobbed off.

To anyone thinking about subbing to the mens box I'd say don't bother - go down to Boots with your £17.95 and pick up a load of goodies for your other half as thats what I'll be doing in future.

What do you think? Did you get this box?

UPDATE 20.06.12

I would just like to say thank you everyone for these comments and all the retweets!

I'm glad he kept the box so that I could show you all what you actually get for your money, and tell you about my experience with GlossyBox.

Looking at all these comments I can see that I am certainly not the only person who has had a problem with Glossybox customer service.

Thanks again for reading my blog and don't forget to enter my giveaway ;)


  1. this has really opened my eyes to glossybox... any doubts i had about unsubbing have gone. they really are disgusting. what a great post!! xxx

  2. this is an excellent review - also like that against the RRP you have hunted down savvy prices as we would normally all do before paying full whack somewhere else - makes this a really useful guide!

    Sad to hear that someone else has had to endure glossybox's awful customer service!

  3. fab review, that is a total rip off.

  4. my god... such bad customer service

  5. you're right Jo, it is disgracefull! I would be very unhappy with it too!

  6. Absolutely disgraceful! I will definitely not be choosing to go with Glossybox! Thank you for the review! xo

  7. When you look at the monetary value of the samples it is pretty depressing. Its hit and miss with GB some months I get some goodens and then other months I am disappointed that I have wasted my money but the fear of cancelling and then seeing the spoilers puts me off haha. I know I should cancel as in theory the amount I am paying per month could go towards a high end product that I would actually use rather than a few samples of products I dont use and struggle to justify them as high end.


    beckys makeup

  8. I'm appalled by the way GlossyBox have treated you! I actually unsubscribed today because I received yet another disappointing box :( You've written a really informative review, and this will be an eye opener for a lot of people! xx

    Beauty In My Mind - Cosmetics Reviews

  9. this is ridiculous, you would think that being such a popular name for their boxes, they would provide much better samples rather than the cheap ones that are completely not worth your money.
    & that whether its a women or men's box you're buying, you would receive much better customer service! xx

  10. I have the same box for my husband and he has subscribed since they started doing the boxes for men so this is his 3rd box, I too am disgusted with the contents and posted on both the mens and the main glossy box page on face book, they replied with very rude and patronising comments and then preceded to delete my posts and have blocked me to prevent me making futher comments. As I paid via paypay I have opened a case with them to try and get my money back.
    Very truthful post Jo xx

  11. That's awful! I do understand 'paying for the service not the products', but that much under the value of the box is disgraceful. I've always been happy with my Glossyboxes, but this is not a great way to deal with customers... x

  12. You are completely justified in what you've said and you've obviously done your research. Very bad customer service and as you say, shoddy presentation too. Awful behaviour on FB. I'll RT your post and I certainly shan't be recommending them. Judging by the above comments, you're not on your own with your thoughts. Good to see an honest, informed review!

  13. I have to say this sadly doesnt surprise me, I left womans glossy box after 3 months - shockingly bad customer services. tweets & emails I'd sent were completely ignorned! Boots seems like a much better place to spend your money :)

  14. Hi there! You make some really great points, and as I am also disappointed with GB I have written my own blog post which I have mentioned your post in :-) - I hope you dont mind!!

  15. The box is bad enough, but Glossyboxes customer service is absolutely appalling. I actually can't believe they manage to stay in business with the amount of negative comments and complaints they receive every month. The patronising and standard replies are bad enough, but the block a genuine customer, with a genuine complaint is disgraceful. Glossybox will not be getting anymore of my ££'s!

  16. Brilliant post, you really did your research and GB's behaviour is just disgraceful!!! I can't believe it, I am so happy right now I have never subbed to both glossybox/mens glossybox! Their customer service is absolutely awful by the sounds of it and I cannot believe they blocked you!

  17. Hi again!! Just thought I should also add that as a result of my comments on their UK facebook page regarding their poor customer service and the false advertising, they have now also blocked me from making any further comments - Damage Limitation?! they are unbelievable. As usual, all the good comments are still present for reading


  18. I can kind of understand the 'paying for the service' but you still expect the items to be worth at least the amount you paid. The postage that they charge- should cover the packaging and postage and maybe a pound or two towards the service but the amount you paid and the value of products you received is pretty appalling.

    But the worst part is the deleting of comments. Fair enough deleting abusive, threatening comments and swearing but when you're just unhappy and asking for some help they shouldn't be deleted and you certainly shouldn't be blocked from further comments! They should be proud of their customer service and as with all customer service jobs in the entire world, that often means dealing with complaints and unhappy customers. Rather than censoring those people they really should just work on learning how to deal with those complaints, like anyone else in customer service has to!

    I can't just delete emails from my clients when they're a bit unhappy or annoyed!!!

    Visit The Other Side Of Cool
    Tweet me! @othersideofcool

  19. Oh don't get me started about them! I received one of the boxes and decided I wasn't that impressed so looked online about how to cancel and it said to send an email, I did it days in advance of when the next payment was due so they wouldn't take payment but they didn't reply and took payment anyway! I then contacted them and was told I couldn't receive a refund as they had already taken the money (after they got email) and that I'd have to refuse the box when it arrived and that I'd get a refund when they got it back! I then replied that if I wasnt at home royal mail would just keep it at post office?! And I wouldnt get a refund for weeks and that it was unacceptable as I emailed before! They then refunded me. Funny how it "wasn't possible" yet was done after some persuasion! For anyone who isn't firm they will walk all over you. Rant over!

  20. Eh my and my other half got ours last night sellotaped together.Not impressed!
    I too forgot to cancel and got a giving out to because it was literally full of straw and a few crap samples to quote" sure I could get all those if I walked around the counters at Harrods "
    Mine wasnt great either its actually crap now.I like sampling different things but the Male one is an absolute COD.
    Kitty xx

  21. Great post! Such a shame their service doesn't seem up to much. I held off getting a glossy box myself (and the alternatives) and tbh the more I read, the happier I am I didn't bother :(

  22. This is appalling! Not so much the samples, well they are bad, but the way you've been treated! They cant just delete complaints and go "la la la we're not listening!" xx

  23. My god I hate glossybox, they're such amateurs the lot of them.

  24. Where does it say you are paying for a service and not products? i have noticed the have tweeked their website so it no longer says luxury sized high end samples. Guess someone has been to trading standards.

  25. Wow such a horror story I'm glad I got out of Glossybox when I did. I can't believe they blocked you, so rude. I unsubscribed a few months ago as I felt that the boxes were rubbish, all samples I could walk into Debenhams and get for free! That, and that I'd put down I only wanted makeup and nail stuff, yet all the sent me was bloddy skincare... pfft. I switched to SheSaid and haven't looked back.
